Small Investment
Big Returns

Cuyahoga County’s arts & culture scene is second to none.

See how we got here.

Public Funding for Our Nonprofit Arts + Culture Benefits Everyone

Cuyahoga County voters made the right choice when they voted to fund our arts and culture organizations through a small tax on cigarettes in 2006 and again in 2015. By nearly every measure, this tax has been a huge success. It has helped provide opportunities for children, strengthen our economy, improve the quality of life, and make our neighborhoods more vibrant.

However, because of declining smoking rates, funding from the tax has declined nearly 50% putting this groundbreaking initiative at risk. It’s time to replace our current tax with a new tax that would inject additional resources to our treasured assets that provide millions of experiences every year to our residents.

Together, we can make a statement about our commitment to the arts and  help shape a better future for our community through supporting this fall’s ballot issue that places a small tax on cigarettes.

Heights Youth Theatre, CAC-funded since 2008, Photo by Daren Stahl

Cleveland Institute of Music, CAC-funded since 2008, Photo by Cleveland Institute of Music

LAND Studio, CAC-funded since 2008, Photo by Bob Perkoski